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Sep 27, 2020
AIM Groups are Reopening!
Great news! We are reopening our AIM Thursday group next week from 12 -2.30pm on October 1st. It is VERY important you read this right...
Sep 27, 2020
Osime Brown Protest September 25, 2020
Thank you to everyone who came out to support our protest for justice for Osime Brown and to all our speakers today including Joe and...

Sep 25, 2020
The Autistic Community Mourns the Loss of Mu Almaliti
On September 25, 2020, Feda and Muhammad Almaliti (often referred to as Mu) lost their lives in a tragic house fire. The local fire...

Sep 18, 2020
AIM Justice for Osime Brown Protest
On the 4th of September we at AIM held a protest alongside Justice For Osime Brown, outside the Home Office. We need his deportation to...

Sep 13, 2020
Visit with Madam Tussauds
We at Autistic Inclusive Meets were delighted to accept an invitation from Madam Tussauds for an autistic friendly visit. Six of our...
Sep 12, 2020
Official Statement about Debarking an Autistic Teen
Both Fierce Autistics and Allies and Autistic Inclusive Meets USA condemn the optional surgery to DEBARK an autistic teen. This is an...
Sep 8, 2020
Official Statement about the Autistic Child being Shot by Police in Utah
Trigger Warning: An Autistic child is shown injured after being shot by law enforcement. Video, images and interviews include injured...
Aug 14, 2020
41 Local Authorities are unlawfully discriminating against autistic children
According to a report published today by Disability Law Service, Leeds University, Cerebra and the BBC, at least 41 Councils across...

Aug 14, 2020
‘Archbishop’ of Florida church selling bleach ‘miracle cure’ arrested with s
Mark Grenon and his son, Joseph Grenon, arrested in Colombia and expected to be extradited to the US for selling solution Trump mentioned...

Aug 14, 2020
Fierce Autistics and Allies are now ASAN affiliates!
It’s official! Our organization is affiliated now with The Autistic Self Advocacy Network! We are continually proud of their efforts and...

Aug 3, 2020
Dolphin and Autistic Abuse Combined: The Dolphin Therapy Scam.
Word of warning, in this blog I will be using negative terminology and describing stimming behaviours as symptoms. There will be person...

Jul 14, 2020
Deporting severely autistic man to Jamaica is ‘structural racism in action’ say activists
Labour activists are urging the Home Office not to deport a severely autistic man to Jamaica, where they say he could die with no support...

Jul 14, 2020
“‘I might not be here without them’: Photos help fight the stigma of antidepressants ” a
Mental health advocates are urging people to share pictures of their medication to show others there’s no shame in getting the help they...
Jul 9, 2020
USA MMS distributors face charges
Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS, has been sold for years as a ‘cure’ for autism, as well as many other conditions; COVID-19 is their...

Jul 6, 2020
Show Us Your Meds
Hiya! We at AIM are launching a new campaign to normalise medication: #ShowUsYourMeds When people hear Depression and anxiety, they...
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