We held our fifth annual Autistic Pride and Craft Fair in July and it was the best one yet!
People from all over the UK came to hear and enjoy our amazing autistic speakers:
David Gray-Hammond of Emergent Divergence Amanda Hind of Amanda Hind Autism & SEND Consultancy Erin Ekins of Queerly Autistic.
Poet Callum Brazzo of Aut-Couture.
They were blown away by our Ambassador Amity Sings!
It marked one year since Amity had performed publicly for the first time and so much has happened for him including BBC Radio coverage, being reviewed by The Guardian and performing at festivals. Later on this year Amity will be performing at the Albert Hall, we couldn’t be prouder of him and all he is achieving.
There were also more stall holders than last year selling a wonderful variety of goods from books, badges, sensory aids, baked goods, jewellery to art and crochet.
We had London Autism Group Charity, Autistic Empire and Autism South East giving out brilliant advice. There’s a real sense of satisfaction in being able to give other organisations and charities a platform. It feels good to know you are signposting people to good reliable factual information and rescources.
We would like to thank our speakers, table holders and everyone who was able to attend, watch this space because next years will be even better!
Thank you to Owen Liddle for the fabulous photos!
