On September 25, 2020, Feda and Muhammad Almaliti (often referred to as Mu) lost their lives in a tragic house fire. The local fire department deemed it a tragic accident. They are survived by Mu’s teenage siblings. There are many tributes to Feda but not one to Mu. Mu was a 15 year old autistic boy. We decided that children deserve to be remembered too.

{Image Description: Blue and white background with blue flowers and text that reads: “You will not be forgotten, Muhammad Almaliti. “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un” (“Verily we belong to Allah, and truly to Him shall we return”).” With symbolism that respects the muslim faith.}
*Always remember when paying respect, research the customs of the recently deceased to respect wishes in death. * Source:https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/east-bay/autism-activist-son-die-in-tragic-east-bay-house-fire/2370375/